Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Financial Report Analysis SUHADI (46110035)

Tugas Final
Nama                 : Suhadi
Kelas                 : 3B-D4
Judul Materi      :
“Deviden Ratio Analiysis”
1.     General Explenation Of Finencial Report Analysis
Definition of financial report analysis. Financial statement analysis is a process to fine more information contained in the financial statements of a company. There are five aspects to be considered in the screening analysis, understanding, forecasting, diagnosis and evaluation. Analysis steps ;
a.       Identification of economic characteristict from compeny.
b.      Identification of compeny strategi
c.       The quality of financial statment
d.      Profitability analysis and risk
e.       Assessing company

2.     Financial Report
Definition of financial report. Financial report is a report prepared by the company each year end or the end of the month that describes the financial condition and success of the company in running the company. According to the SAK ETAP, there are four types of financial statements is
a.       Balance
b.      Profit and loss statment
c.       Cash flow statment
d.      notes to the financial statements

3.     Deviden Ratio Analysis

Definition and advantage of deviden ratio analysis. Dividend ratio analysis is an analytical method in profitability analysis to compare the amount of dividends paid or received and the amount of the company's retained earnings at end of period. This analysis is used to determine the ratio of dividends to retained earnings as well as the basis for the company as in determining the amount of dividends to be issued by the company.

4.     The Analysis Proses
a.        Prepare the income statment and balance
b.      Input the value from income statment and balance in formula dividen retio . 
       The formula is     DR = (dividen ammount / earning ammount) * 100%
c.       to interpret the values gained

The value from analysis deviden ratio can use by manager to know amount deviden receipt or deviden pay from the company.

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